I usually dont post anything about my purchases but i believe this rep deserves more attention as it went under the radar
For people looking for the most perfect breguet rep out there this particular version of the MK collection is probably the closest you can get
I will let the pics talk.
As you can see the date font is as per gen (yes, there are version with a silver datewheel and a blue font, but there is another version with a white datewheel and black font)
The thickness is the closest to gen it can get and the movement, even if it is just a myiota with a different rotor(a pretty good one tho) and some engraving it will fool those who have never seen the real thing
One last thing, even if its a myiota, the movement is pretty silent, and trust me i had many 9015, maybe its just my piece, but its something worth mentioning
For people looking for the most perfect breguet rep out there this particular version of the MK collection is probably the closest you can get
I will let the pics talk.
As you can see the date font is as per gen (yes, there are version with a silver datewheel and a blue font, but there is another version with a white datewheel and black font)
The thickness is the closest to gen it can get and the movement, even if it is just a myiota with a different rotor(a pretty good one tho) and some engraving it will fool those who have never seen the real thing
One last thing, even if its a myiota, the movement is pretty silent, and trust me i had many 9015, maybe its just my piece, but its something worth mentioning

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