There is nothing like a bit of debate and in that regard I have excelled. Thanks to all of you.
To answer many I AM STILL HERE and whats more I have read every Comment I thank all of you for your welcoming even if some feel they were insulted, and I note in particular some peoples comments about the 7750 so let me clarify this point.
I would like the forum to realize I live in Asia and what is available to me is ONLY the Chinese copy ( old stock using the original 7750 does not exist here ) and in this regard my opinion still stands on the whole these 7750 copies are junk ( getting better but still junk ) The original 7750 is a fine movement I will never disagree with that.
My post was a general post and it seems that some took exception to it , maybe they feel 7 years in Asia and a past time of buying and studying replicas for fun has nothing to offer buyers of replicas or members of this forum. I would disagree.
How many of you can walk in to a store that has over a 1000 replicas and choose the best there is of any model you want ? How many can say they have looked at many different makes and suppliers models to see which is the best ? How many can borrow to test a replica ? Asia works like that but only after years of getting to know the right people and gaining their trust .. I thought some may like to know what I have found out .It seems I was wrong.
Let me know if you want to know anything else , maybe some of you live here too .. lets meet for drink.
Pompous? HELL YES and why not , its a good place to be if watches are your interest.
To answer many I AM STILL HERE and whats more I have read every Comment I thank all of you for your welcoming even if some feel they were insulted, and I note in particular some peoples comments about the 7750 so let me clarify this point.
I would like the forum to realize I live in Asia and what is available to me is ONLY the Chinese copy ( old stock using the original 7750 does not exist here ) and in this regard my opinion still stands on the whole these 7750 copies are junk ( getting better but still junk ) The original 7750 is a fine movement I will never disagree with that.
My post was a general post and it seems that some took exception to it , maybe they feel 7 years in Asia and a past time of buying and studying replicas for fun has nothing to offer buyers of replicas or members of this forum. I would disagree.
How many of you can walk in to a store that has over a 1000 replicas and choose the best there is of any model you want ? How many can say they have looked at many different makes and suppliers models to see which is the best ? How many can borrow to test a replica ? Asia works like that but only after years of getting to know the right people and gaining their trust .. I thought some may like to know what I have found out .It seems I was wrong.
Let me know if you want to know anything else , maybe some of you live here too .. lets meet for drink.
Pompous? HELL YES and why not , its a good place to be if watches are your interest.