I’d just like to add a note of caution here... Removing and replacing hands has been the single most difficult task I’ve undertaken since getting into this hobby.
I destroyed the first two seconds hand pinions I attempted to remove the hand from. The first one broke off because I followed a YouTube guide that showed how to remove all 3 hands at the same time. Don’t do that. The 2nd one broke because, well, it’s bloody difficult to do it right. But since then I’ve got my eye in and have removed 3 more without a problem.
Then there’s getting it back on again. Bear in mind that the seconds pinion is about the thickness of a hair, and you have to balance the “collar” of the seconds hand on it then push it on... It’s by far the fiddliest thing I have ever done!
Don’t let me put you off... I’m just saying, it’s not an easy job - particularly if you’re a clumsy, glasses-wearing oaf like me.
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It really depends on the movement. For example 2813s have extremely thin second hand pinions. They break with barely a twitch while removing or installing.
A28** movements are a bit thicker.
If you want to tackle this without hand removal tools, the only option here would be to take the movement out. Get a sheet of plastic. Cut a slot in the plastic to go under the hands, release the dial feet and just pull the dial straight up. You just have to be extremely careful. Just make sure the plastic is under the hands. The hour and min hands should pop off without any issues. The second hand is the one you have to be very careful with.
Another option that could possibly work (it has worked for me in the past but only did it once). Just pop the crystal off or take the movement out. Secure it in a movement holder. Put the stem in the hand setting position. Hold the crown steady and with a toothpick or a small piece of plastic (tip of a dental floss pick or anything that will not scratch ) and just slowly push the min hand back. Make sure the stem is firmly held in place tho. The hand should slide to the position you set it to but this is as risky as the other options tho. You could possibly damage the mind hand wheel if not done perfectly.
If you have the correct tools and sort of know what you’re doing, it’s a easy fix.
Good luck bc that would drive me nuts.
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