These rep bracelets always need TLC. I bought a used Daytona with an ARF bracelet given the oil bath and the difference is absurd. Today finally Ive pulled the trigger on a few of my other in the collection. I’m hoping for them to gliiiiiide on my wrist! The spring bars got some used to taking out.. and the sharp AP bracelet (even though I've never worn it) Def needed some bathing.
Posted November 29, 2012
Watch Bracelet Spa Treatment
- Take off the bracelet. I'm not going into detail here but once you've worked one spring bar, it will become second nature. If it's a screwed in pin, it's even easier. Just make a mental note which direction to reattach the bracelet afterwards. Don't let the spring bar hit you in the eye by the way.
- Do a rinse under the tap with some soap to remove top layer debris.
- Do a more in depth wash by either using a soft toothbrush to get between the links with soap.
- Fully dry the bracelet using paper towels, rags, or the t-shirt you're wearing.
- Let it air dry, use a blow drier, or hold it outside your car window and drive very fast. The idea is to get all the water out of the crevices.
- Grab some baby oil and put the bracelet in. Let it sit and then agitate it gently a few times to dislodge air bubbles (e.g. caught in the link pin holes)
- Let the bracelet sit overnight. Resist the urge to pull out early. Leave it in and let it bathe in the juices.
- In the morning, take the bracelet out and rinse it under running water (no soap). Use a paper towel to fully dry the bracelet. Let it sit for a hour or so. This will allow any free oils to leech out. Paper towel it off, then give it a nice light buff using a new t-shirt or nice cotton sweater you're wearing.
- Reinstall the bracelet on the case!