As a relative newcomer to the world of replica watches, this was my first purchase from a Chinese vendor. I'd heard the horror stories of scams and dishonesty, which, admittedly, made me a little apprehensive. However, after reading the positive experiences shared by other members of the RWI community, I felt confident enough to take the plunge and place my first order with Ctime.
Before making the purchase, I got in touch with Liana on WhatsApp. She was incredibly helpful and patient, answering all my questions and addressing my concerns. Her professionalism and friendly demeanor immediately put me at ease.
To save you the trouble of reading a long story, I've put together a timeline of my purchase experience with Ctime.
26th Oct: Placed the order for a Rolex Sea-Sweller 126600 CLEAN from Ctime using my MasterCard. Liana sent me a WhatsApp notification that she has received my order. She later send me a link for credit card payment.
29th Oct: Liana sent me a series of 10 photos and 2 videos for QC. The watch looks good so I approved the QC immediately.
Before making the purchase, I got in touch with Liana on WhatsApp. She was incredibly helpful and patient, answering all my questions and addressing my concerns. Her professionalism and friendly demeanor immediately put me at ease.
To save you the trouble of reading a long story, I've put together a timeline of my purchase experience with Ctime.
26th Oct: Placed the order for a Rolex Sea-Sweller 126600 CLEAN from Ctime using my MasterCard. Liana sent me a WhatsApp notification that she has received my order. She later send me a link for credit card payment.
29th Oct: Liana sent me a series of 10 photos and 2 videos for QC. The watch looks good so I approved the QC immediately.