Decided I need a blue replica watch to match my blue suit and other different outfits, and who better that makes blue watch than Omega? Already have three rollie replicas, so changing it up. Checked the price of the model I like most on several TD websites, and it was lowest on Trusty's:
Seamaster 300m 2019 RG/SS/RU Blue VSF Asia 8800
My skin has pink undertones, so rose gold looks really good against it. My only concern with the rubber strap is its fit since I have a small wrist, although my yachtmaster replica also has a rubber strap and is probably the most comfortable out of all the different materials.
I'm not familiar with 8800 movement, although based on my research it seems best-in-class for Omega replicas. And I'm very familiar with VS Factory since all three of my rollie replicas are VSF. For two out of the three that I have, I never have to reset the time when wearing them regularly, and for one I have to reduce it by about 5 minutes once per week.
E-mailed Andrew to inquire about availability on evening of September 6th (US time), received a response shortly after that it is available from the factory, placed the order, received confirmation, received invoice, and paid by credit card.
Seamaster 300m 2019 RG/SS/RU Blue VSF Asia 8800
My skin has pink undertones, so rose gold looks really good against it. My only concern with the rubber strap is its fit since I have a small wrist, although my yachtmaster replica also has a rubber strap and is probably the most comfortable out of all the different materials.
I'm not familiar with 8800 movement, although based on my research it seems best-in-class for Omega replicas. And I'm very familiar with VS Factory since all three of my rollie replicas are VSF. For two out of the three that I have, I never have to reset the time when wearing them regularly, and for one I have to reduce it by about 5 minutes once per week.
E-mailed Andrew to inquire about availability on evening of September 6th (US time), received a response shortly after that it is available from the factory, placed the order, received confirmation, received invoice, and paid by credit card.