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Seamaster 300m


You're Saying I Can Sell?
I recently noticed a rattling sound inside my Seamaster when i move my wrist,so guessed that it sounds like the winder has come lose inside (Asian 21j movement).As i don't have the tools or the skill to start taking it apart i took it to a local reputable jeweller near where i live.He looked at it and assumed it was a genuine piece,which i informed him that it was a fake that i bought on holiday (actually from Watcheden) and it keeps excellent time so i would like to have it fixed He kept insisting that it looks like a genuine and says he will have to send it to their watch repairer like all of their other watches that they receive.I insisted that it was definitely was a fake and i didn't want him to send it off to Omega as the cost of repair would seriously out way the value of the watch.As i'm busy my mum went in to see how the repair was coming along and the bloke was still going on that it looks real to him and that it was a very nice watch.The thing is do you think he will get it fixed and is trying to say that it has genuine parts so he can charge me the genuine prices?The shop has a very good reputation and my mum has used them many times in the past with out any problems,or do you think the bloke is a bit of an arse,and don't know his gens from his fakes.I said to my mum if he keeps insisting that it is genuine then tell him he can buy it for £500 as it stands,and see what he says about that.Anyone with a bit of knowledge in watches can see it is a fake.I'm finding it quite amusing

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You're Saying I Can Sell?
hahaha what a tit. see if he would buy my hbb for 2 grand or my dssd for 1500.


Athletic Supporter
The Evergreen State
Considering the bezel insert placement on this watch, the jeweler is looking at a rep, so may be setting you up for a massive repair bill. You'd do well to ask someone from the UK to refer you a watch smith.

If I were you, I'd get it back from him.


You're Saying I Can Sell?
Considering the bezel insert placement on this watch, the jeweler is looking at a rep, so may be setting you up for a massive repair bill. You'd do well to ask someone from the UK to refer you a watch smith.

If I were you, I'd get it back from him.

I've made it perfectly clear to him that what ever the outcome he's go to tell me how much it is going to cost before any repairs are made.As for the massive repair bill,that did cross my mind aswell.


Banned member, the goat does not approve
my experience is that if the jeweler thinks it is a gen, take it somewhere else. he is an amateur and he's going to mess something up in your watch and make you pay for it. this happened to me one time. try to find a member on the boards that works on the watches. since it is a 21j it is going to cost you more money to repair the watch than to buy another one though I would guess.