Double-dare you to order another fake Rolex.
What country are you from, read the law regarding purchasing and ownership of fake goods in your country, in the UK for instance it is NOT illegal to buy or own counterfeit goods only illegal to sell them.
read the letter and notice much emphasise is put strongly in the wording of, importing and distributing ie importing to sell, which you are not you bought for personal use, it's a scare tactic to make you admit to something you haven't done i.e. Importing with the intention of selling, once you do that they will then demand a payment to cover their costs and to drop any further proceedings, your next step is up to you, I would certainly take proper legal advice before contacting them and certainly before admitting anything.
My arf submariner v3 sent from turkey recently got taken by customs and I got a letter from them 1/08/20. I did some reading and it says do not respond or admit to buying a fake Rolex which is what I did and now I got this scary letter.
Thank you Soo much for this information
Hell no I'm already scared from the first order... What should I do now?
Nothing, it's a cease and desist letter. Don't reply, just forget about it.
But it'd be foolish to try and purchase another fake Rolex - stick to other brands of watches.
Xerox a picture of your bare arse and mail it back.
If he did that they’d mail him a picture of what that ass will look like after 20 years in jail.
Hell no I'm already scared from the first order... What should I do now?
Did you buy this on m2m sale?