For such replicas, as we already know, the greatest tell will always be the wearer. Look at the watch availability and price. The quality of the rep in this cases is indeed secondary as it’s one of the unobtainable timepieces for the masses. Wearer status, lifestyle and watch compatibility/believability is a great part of pulling off any watch (gen or rep) for me.
Whenever we put on a replica watch, we are also putting on the profile of someone who would wear such a watch in gen.
I see a lot of guys engaging in discussions or worried about this or that “tell” or flaw but ironically that behavior is something gen owners will never discuss for obvious reasons. Wearer profile and lifestyle is the greatest tell for me as always for any watch
Superficial AF (all material/luxury comforts are in a way superficial anyway) but:
Mega-rich guy stepping out of his Rolls Royce, he will make any reasonable quality rep look gen.
Average 9-5 worker at the office (let’s omit the “uncle died and left me $5m” cases

) with a luxury brand tourbillon on his wrist at work- you do the math.
So before scrutinizing any rep, especially one of a high end or unobtainable model, some basic self assessment would always be useful in helping us first choose the rep to buy and only then yes, the flaws of the watch can be learnt about and discussed. Majority of the owners get this backward.