Hello! I´ve been buying replicas for years. Im always looking for the best ones, those with the most attention to details that most people wont even notice.
To my surprise, I was randomly browsing Daytona replicas (and im not even a big fan of Daytonas), and I found that amazing dial, with dark mother of pearl and diamonds (and I dont even like diamonds)
So yes, its an old replica, with all of those known flaws (bad movement, thickness, bezel etc), but Im so in love with that dial, that I want to buy it.
The problem is: I like this one because of the MOP pattern. They look like clouds, with shades of green, purple and grey. I´ve asked the Seller, and he said that each model has a different pattern, and I can only see them after the watch is paid. Im afraid of buying it, and getting a dull looking MOP with ugly colors.
Is there a way to be safe about that? Do we know a TD that shows the MOP dial before buying it? Is there a way to contact BP, and ask him for a MOP dial with an specific pattern and color spectrum?
Here is the watch. Any tips would be appreciated!
And here is a video. Enjoy!
To my surprise, I was randomly browsing Daytona replicas (and im not even a big fan of Daytonas), and I found that amazing dial, with dark mother of pearl and diamonds (and I dont even like diamonds)
So yes, its an old replica, with all of those known flaws (bad movement, thickness, bezel etc), but Im so in love with that dial, that I want to buy it.
The problem is: I like this one because of the MOP pattern. They look like clouds, with shades of green, purple and grey. I´ve asked the Seller, and he said that each model has a different pattern, and I can only see them after the watch is paid. Im afraid of buying it, and getting a dull looking MOP with ugly colors.
Is there a way to be safe about that? Do we know a TD that shows the MOP dial before buying it? Is there a way to contact BP, and ask him for a MOP dial with an specific pattern and color spectrum?
Here is the watch. Any tips would be appreciated!
And here is a video. Enjoy!