I've been toying around with a 18239 build for a while on and off and have adequately screwed things up a couple of times so I am looking at making certain things easier for myself by making a Day Wheel Overlay tool. Currently taking measurements off of a Rafflesdial 28.5mm dial but I am wanting to make sure that the tool is usable with as many dials as possible.
I assume this could only be done with 36mm varieties of the DD due to the day display location.
Does anybody have any proper measurements for these dials or more importantly the dial feel locations for genuine day date dials as I do not have one at hand? Below you will see the measurements that I have so far been able to estimate.
Thanks in advance
I assume this could only be done with 36mm varieties of the DD due to the day display location.
Does anybody have any proper measurements for these dials or more importantly the dial feel locations for genuine day date dials as I do not have one at hand? Below you will see the measurements that I have so far been able to estimate.
Thanks in advance