I have had about 6 Replicas from Trusty Time.
They always arrive ... always are the best clones available and since my most recent purchase.. a 41mm Starbucks Submariner seem to have gone up another level.
Sorry I can't recall which factory but it's the most expensive one on ( Starbucks) standard on Andrew's site.
Visually nobody would question it .
As we all know to quickly tell a real Rolex is to listen as you unwind the crown and it sounds like a safe lock going click click click.
But for safe wearing as in ... should you go to London or somewhere a bit dodgy ... I wear this ... I am lucky to have the real thing as in a Datejust 41mm ... I'd hate to have to give that up ... so that's why I have a replica.
Buy from Trusty Time with 100 % confidence.
They always arrive ... always are the best clones available and since my most recent purchase.. a 41mm Starbucks Submariner seem to have gone up another level.
Sorry I can't recall which factory but it's the most expensive one on ( Starbucks) standard on Andrew's site.
Visually nobody would question it .
As we all know to quickly tell a real Rolex is to listen as you unwind the crown and it sounds like a safe lock going click click click.
But for safe wearing as in ... should you go to London or somewhere a bit dodgy ... I wear this ... I am lucky to have the real thing as in a Datejust 41mm ... I'd hate to have to give that up ... so that's why I have a replica.
Buy from Trusty Time with 100 % confidence.