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R2's C and D Planet Oceans


This post is about...A franken PO 42 w/gen2892 (Inspired by Santre22)

Special thanks to Trevor, Otto, Wholesale Outlet, Sunnydale, Pap, Santre22, Q5? and Katt. Without these special folks, I wouldn't have been able to do this.

Trevor, sourced a V5 DG4813 model without fail. It was shipped and arrived in "As per Pic'd" condition.

SunnyD's service was on par, nothing new here. Order it, get it, love it!

Parts were sourced via the usual route over there at the Frei. ;)

WO sold me the wrong insert (Rolex) but did fix it without any trouble.

Katt, dialed up, cased and timed the movement. I can do this too, but 1 times out of 2 something goes wrong for me and I end up doing it again. I can do the case work but movements, I'll leave that to the pro's. Katt had my watch done in no time. I even forgot to send a dial spacer, he waited another day, it was running the following. I went to pick it up, it was running to the second.

This wasn't easy for me. I am busy with other things, just like anyone else. I am not the most organized manager. I am not the best blogger either. ;) I will miss some details, but please don't be afraid to ask questions here in the post. I just wanted to share this so others can see all the work that goes into these. Not just the actual work, but the administration, the emotions and caveats.

This all started last year. (Well it really started when Omega first made these :)) I frankened one long ago w/2824 and sold that to get the gen. I ended up with the Coxial C white dial. Loved it! Still do. Then I had the opportunity to wear Q5?'s http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/5gpo-5th-generation-99783
Orange franken for the weekend. Inbetwixt, built and sold a 45.5 franken UPO. I loved the orange numbers. I thought, why not make my own orange 42... That all came together in a matter of a few months and was re-enforced with Santre's post here. http://forum.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/5-gen-po-116287?t=116287&highlight=santre22

Shopping List:

Base Watch, Trevor, DG4813 rep on SS bracelet.
Gen ETA 2892 used, from the bay. Pearlized, Serialed
Gen Pearl from a SMP. (Paid too much, you guys drove up the prices.) lol
Gen Hands
Gen Dial
Gen Crown
Gen Tube
SunnyD Crystal
WO insert (The rep one is too Matte)

Mods. This list is long and distinguished like my... (Insert Top Gun tag line here)

1. Gather parts.
2. Anticipate set backs. (Before during and after)
3. Get watch, tear it down.
4. Take out crystal.
5. Take off insert and bezel.
6. Ezout rep tube.
7. Take off He Valve.
8. Give dial and hands away to someone who can use them. (To Katt)
9. Case up the perfectly good working (4813) for a rainy day.
10. Get ready for an emotional roller coaster. You are going to lose sleep.

I started with the crown tube and guard area. Remember, we are going from 4813 to a 2892. 2 main things to overcome are the height diffs and the tube placement. Santre's idea laid in the movement holder and dial spacer. I wanted to do something a little different. I wanted to bring that tube up some and that meant creating/cheating the space where the crown will reside. That means a milled hole ever so slightly higher.



All in and installed. Stock movement holder, all good.


He Valve hole was a challenge to drill. Got that done..


After I milled the bezel to accommodate the insert, I was anxious to see how she fit. In retrospect, I would have been better off waiting longer, I was very excited and had the retainer in. Bam, it's on, it works but it's tight.. I put the Bergeon bezel puller on it and was scared to pull to hard, so I left it. It's on, It works, I never use the bezel anyway. Next time though... fool my twice shame on me. Three times, and I quit. ;)

Orange is the 2892 with D wheel and Sunnydale. White is a Gen C.



I couldn't help but try and snag a "Zero Secs" per day pic. Katt's shop.



Trusted (Watch Repair)
Trusted Dealer
Vendor (Watch Repair)
Great piece R2. Glad to be a part of this project. Probably the best overall franken PO I've ever had the pleasure of working on bar none. Rarely do ETA 2892 movements get used to build POs like this. That Sunnydale crystal brings out the gen dial, hands and date wheel font like nothing else I've ever seen. So much so, I now have one in my PO.


Stock Crystal then SunnyD (2892 with stock white datewheel just for posture. Happy feet old ETA dial again, for posture)




Renowned Member
Great looking watch R2D4. I hope that you will be as happy with yours as I am with mine.


I'm Pretty Popular
Great build and great write up R2. The 2892 makes this a cracking build. The bezel pearl mod on this is amongst the best looking around. Also echo what is said above about sunnys crystal, the are amazing. Enjoy!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
WOW! Amazing project R2. I would worry my self to death. Milling the case hoping and praying that I didn't mess up the base case and having to buy another. Your a lucky man to have such great friends to help you on awesome project. Cheers! to every one that took part in this project. Now go and wear that great piece!
Congrat's friend.


I'm Pretty Popular
It's fantastic!! Just the feel to wind the 2892 is amazing compared to the 2824 or 21j movements. I'm happy that my franken PO project was that inspirational. :)


Put Some Respect On My Name
That is some serious modding! The result is amazing! Glad I could participate :)

Very jealous of that movement though!

Mr. Pap

Section Moderator
Section Moderator
Damn!!!! That's one of a heck project!!!!

Very well done and great details.

The watch its self is amazing! Pure inspiration!!!

Now I will read it 3-4 times again...

Thanks for sharing this one R2!!!

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2


Renowned Member
What did the 2892 cost you if you don't mind me asking ? Seems like a great movement. Also how would you go about finding one, just type in eta 2892 in ebay? Just curious if you do not want to disclose the price just PM me.

Edit: Just did some research and the Omega 1120 movement is based off of the ETA 2892. So would the Omega 1120 basically be a drop in replacement for a ETA 2824 or 2892? Just read that the difference between the two movements is 1mm does that make that much of a difference?

Sorry for all the questions. Just wanting to know how hard it would be for someone to replace a ETA 2824 for the Omega 1120. Now that would be a true franken huh.


Mythical Poster
Very nice indeed. I just finished off my V4 with a gen dial and SunnyD crystal. Looks awesome. The V4 hands are already superlumed and an exact match for the gen dial. When I wake up at 5 AM they are still glowing just like the dial. I couldn't see any reason to change them.


I'm Pretty Popular
What did the 2892 cost you if you don't mind me asking ? Seems like a great movement. Also how would you go about finding one, just type in eta 2892 in ebay? Just curious if you do not want to disclose the price just PM me.

Edit: Just did some research and the Omega 1120 movement is based off of the ETA 2892. So would the Omega 1120 basically be a drop in replacement for a ETA 2824 or 2892? Just read that the difference between the two movements is 1mm does that make that much of a difference?

Sorry for all the questions. Just wanting to know how hard it would be for someone to replace a ETA 2824 for the Omega 1120. Now that would be a true franken huh.

In this case when the crown position is modded. It would be a direct swoop to both omega 1120 and 2500 as they are based on 2892 and are exact the same size.

1 mm between the 2824 and the 2892 is quite a lot. The stem need to be aligned in the center of the tube to allow the crown to screw down properly. Also the movement need to lay close to prevent sunken DW and to fit the hands at correct height from the dial.

ETA 2892 can easy be found on Ebay, the cheapest I have bought was a used Raymond Weil for 38 usd. A brand new sealed from cousins is about 300 usd.

I think we will see a lot more PO frankening after this excellent thread.

Thanks to R2D4 :cheers:


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Real nice R2, tgese just look so damn sexy!

?Noobtastic via the Galaxy III