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Question about Trevor's UPO, this is my next target.


Active Member
Good morning one and all.

Still a relative newbie here, and am asking a serious question. Does anyone have a Trevor Ultimate Planet Ocean? If so, what are the major issues if any? Or any comments you have on the watch from Trevor in general.

I ask as I am now focused on the 45mm PO in black on black and have been reading a lot here at RWI. I saw a gen black on black PO in the wild and it looks fantastic. Pictures do it justice, but in person it looks even better, not to be taken as a slam on anyone's photography around here, just my observation. :D

It turns out while reading some posts the other night, there seems to be a bit of a deal with the crowns on the UPOs that were failing rather quickly, while the 4th generation have the wrong crown but tremendous lume, among other things. I am confused.

So, anyway, I am ready to go for the UPO but am seriously wondering if I should try to find a 4th generation and update the crown, or get the UPO and plan on upgrading the crown and tube. Thank you all for the input.



Active Member
Trevor's UPO will come from the same source as everyone else's. I have a UPO, and the thread is fine. They are threaded internally like the ge, I believe that if they do thread they can be upgraded with gen parts. Maybe someone could confirm this.


Active Member

I wanted the 4th gen PO so much initially but went for UPO at last. I had a chance to try on a 4th gen PO that belongs to a fellow member. Except for the omega logo. It does not seem to be as good as the UPO. However, the 4th gen will be stunning if you invest further on a gen dial and crown.

No regret for choosing the UPO. The construction of the UPO is really really very close to the gen. Although with the wrong omega logo, it really don't look so bad afterall.

Comparing the two. UPO is less expensive to mod.

My 2 cents


Active Member
Thank you b16a2 and taiji. I actually got two questioned answered for the price of one!
I often wondered 'who' made the ultimate versions, or who had them. So it seems they are made elsewhere and purchased from your fave rep dealer who carries that line.

And thanks too on the crown thread info. Perhaps the first round of UPOs had a problem. I say that as the posts seemed to be from late 2006, so perhaps 6+ months have changed things.

Thanks again.