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PO by Fakemaster


I'm Pretty Popular
A PO Fakemaster built for me. Still having a bit of a problem with dust and lint specks. Bear with me. I cannot see them when I take the photograph. They just "appear" when I look at the photo on my 23 inch monitor! Frustrating!














Fakemaster does the best work, doesn't he?


Known Member
You can fix the 'dust' specs in photoshop/lightroom/photo editing program of your choice.

Nice watch/pics :)


I'm Pretty Popular

No, is is the new 200 mm PO!

Actually, I think it is the 42mm but you really have to ask Fakemaster. I don't spend much time on the details anymore since I have found that the better reps are accurate enough. Rather than try to remember all the details or look for all the "tells" I have moved on to the second category of rep collectors. See, I think there are two categories of rep collectors.

1. The "exact counterfeit guys." These are the people who obsess over details lost on 99% of people who see the watch. Are the crown guards exactly right? etc. Perhaps 80% of the members of RWI are now in this group. it is good, it is fine. But it has sort of already served its purpose to me. We can find the better reps and the Chinese are now producing many reps that are good enough right out of the box.

2. The "beauty and art guys." This is me. I don't care if the crown guards are "perfect." I just want to have, use and celebrate lots of great watches. They don't have to be perfect counterfeits. In fact, I think they are all the more interesting if they are unique; taking available rep parts to produce something different and beautiful.

There are plenty of reviews explaining in great detail which reps are the best counterfeits. That is fine, I use those like anyone else to get good reps. But then I leave it alone and just try to photograph the beauty which is there in that watch without trying to find or obsess over all the flaws. Here is a comparison, if you have a good and beautiful woman, enjoy her. Celebrate the beauty she does have and don't degrade your enjoyment by constantly looking for every pimple or wrinkle. Fair enough?


Renowned Member
That is a beautiful piece of watchmaking. There's a PO on my wishlist. It may end up being a Fakey. I'm still just trying to decide between 45.5mm and 42mm.



Legendary Member
Well Donny Jose thanks for the reply.
I will ask Fakey.

As to this:

No, is is the new 200 mm PO!

Actually, I think it is the 42mm but you really have to ask Fakemaster. I don't spend much time on the details anymore since I have found that the better reps are accurate enough. Rather than try to remember all the details or look for all the "tells" I have moved on to the second category of rep collectors. See, I think there are two categories of rep collectors.

1. The "exact counterfeit guys." These are the people who obsess over details lost on 99% of people who see the watch. Are the crown guards exactly right? etc. Perhaps 80% of the members of RWI are now in this group. it is good, it is fine. But it has sort of already served its purpose to me. We can find the better reps and the Chinese are now producing many reps that are good enough right out of the box.

2. The "beauty and art guys." This is me. I don't care if the crown guards are "perfect." I just want to have, use and celebrate lots of great watches. They don't have to be perfect counterfeits. In fact, I think they are all the more interesting if they are unique; taking available rep parts to produce something different and beautiful.

There are plenty of reviews explaining in great detail which reps are the best counterfeits. That is fine, I use those like anyone else to get good reps. But then I leave it alone and just try to photograph the beauty which is there in that watch without trying to find or obsess over all the flaws. Here is a comparison, if you have a good and beautiful woman, enjoy her. Celebrate the beauty she does have and don't degrade your enjoyment by constantly looking for every pimple or wrinkle. Fair enough?

I get what you are saying. And I'm sure there are plenty of boys who are a mix of both as well. I mean, imagine wearing a watch because it looked good to you but did a horrible job at looking gen. Shouldn't there be a balance. If I wore a blatant fake watch at work, unfortunately, I feel it would hurt my image and career. That is the real world.


I'm Pretty Popular
ShadowB and q5?

ShadowB. Thanks for the tip on post shoot processing. I went back to the top menu on MS Digital Image 10 pro and found a speck remover tool. Then I used that to process all the posted photos, deleted the old ones from the server and uploaded the new ones so what you see now on this post should be an improvement.

q5? Sure, some people can be in one camp or the other and some can have a foot in each camp. It is all ok. I wouldn't make fun of anyone for their position or preferences. Maybe I have become somewhat "radical" but I actually do want to wear a watch which you cannot buy as a gen. Fakemaster is building one for me now. I will photograph it and post the photos when I receive the watch. You can see what you think.


Legendary Member
The next step will be getting an UPO with Asian ETA movement.

Isn't yours with Asian 21j low beat movement? The datefont is ackward and too close to the center for the 42mm model. This comes with wrong Helium release valve placement too. But hey, you have written that you don't care about all these flaws. Don't overpay, such a watch can be had for about 50 bucks ;)

Get that crystal AR coated too, it will make a big difference. But nevertheless, wear it in good health.


Horology Curious
It's a beautiful piece of work..what can i say more except I'm waiting for mine.. we will enjoy wearing the watch..much cheers..