I thought I'd give the Cape Cod and flexible 120 grit pad (AUS' Garryson equivalent) a run on my newly acquired, but very used, gen 2200.50.
This is the abrasive pad I've seen most recommend around the traps.
And here's the local product I used.
I practiced on an old brushed oyster bracelet first. I didn't think to take any before shots, but it was really scratched up after 10+ years of wear. The clasp was a real shit show!
The brushing isn't straight, but otherwise a decent outcome.
So, on the PO, I've gone over the clasp once -- roughly 20 brushes after polishing with the Cape Cod cloth -- and I've also completed an initial light going over the rest of the bracelet.
It works well. And the result is good, provided you can keep your brushing dead straight. That's definitely the biggest challenge.
I'll rig up a track to place the bracelet in, with enough depth to fit an equally wide cut out piece of the abrasive pad, so that I can run it perfectly straight -- a benefit of the PO bracelet being the same width from end link to clasp -- and then I'll repeat the process.
But, for now, I think it's a big improvement.

This is the abrasive pad I've seen most recommend around the traps.

And here's the local product I used.

I practiced on an old brushed oyster bracelet first. I didn't think to take any before shots, but it was really scratched up after 10+ years of wear. The clasp was a real shit show!
The brushing isn't straight, but otherwise a decent outcome.

So, on the PO, I've gone over the clasp once -- roughly 20 brushes after polishing with the Cape Cod cloth -- and I've also completed an initial light going over the rest of the bracelet.
It works well. And the result is good, provided you can keep your brushing dead straight. That's definitely the biggest challenge.
I'll rig up a track to place the bracelet in, with enough depth to fit an equally wide cut out piece of the abrasive pad, so that I can run it perfectly straight -- a benefit of the PO bracelet being the same width from end link to clasp -- and then I'll repeat the process.
But, for now, I think it's a big improvement.