Looking around for an Ellipse I've heard that the only reps around for one were some shitters, so I asked a chinatime dealer if he still got contacts to get one.
Surprisingly he said yes, but he is asking 300$ a piece, which is quite ridiculous considering the stuff he usually deals.
He said that it's sapphire glass, SS, with a Cal 240 clone (do they actually exist?).
I guess he is just fucking around, but after some talking he sent some pictures.
The rep looks pretty off for that price range, but I wanted to hear your opinion about it.
Surprisingly he said yes, but he is asking 300$ a piece, which is quite ridiculous considering the stuff he usually deals.
He said that it's sapphire glass, SS, with a Cal 240 clone (do they actually exist?).
I guess he is just fucking around, but after some talking he sent some pictures.
The rep looks pretty off for that price range, but I wanted to hear your opinion about it.