I purchased a panerai 1950 flyback and a patek in December from watcheden. They arrived a little slower then expected but with the holidays and international shipping I could not really complain.
I was not expecting much since these were my first replicas. I have to say even with low expectations I was disappointed. The metal edges were sharp and I had to use polishing material to make it so it did not cut me. My major complint is that the watch was $300 and the strap just broke after wearing it only 8 times. It was pretty embarrasing since I was in a meeting and the watch just fell to the floor. I thought it popped off the screw but when I looked at it I saw it just broke.
The Patek was 1/3 the price and has been performing better then the panerai. Maybe my expectations just lowered by 100%. Live and learn I guess.
I am still looking for a nice Panerai. Any suggestions on dealers?
I was not expecting much since these were my first replicas. I have to say even with low expectations I was disappointed. The metal edges were sharp and I had to use polishing material to make it so it did not cut me. My major complint is that the watch was $300 and the strap just broke after wearing it only 8 times. It was pretty embarrasing since I was in a meeting and the watch just fell to the floor. I thought it popped off the screw but when I looked at it I saw it just broke.
The Patek was 1/3 the price and has been performing better then the panerai. Maybe my expectations just lowered by 100%. Live and learn I guess.
I am still looking for a nice Panerai. Any suggestions on dealers?