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I'm Pretty Popular
Here is some great information that I translated and copied from a gen page - enjoy.


This stage, includes the included/understood years since Panerai puts in the civil market for the first time its clocks, until the watchmaking division of the mark is acquired by Cartier-Vendome.

1992 We must remember, that from the year 1936, in which Panerai makes its first clock, to date at issue one, the Panerai clocks were designed and produced strictly for the military market. Also it is important to indicate, that the watchmaking section of Panerai always has been a small niche in the company. Most of their business was and is other devices of military use that at the moment sold and sell armies of numerous countries between which Spain counts itself.

In this date, for reasons nonspecified, it is decided that it could be profitable to produce and to commercialize a series of clocks destined to the civil market.
Once seizure this decision, is come to define the design of these clocks and it is decided to discard the box that now we denominated Radiomir and to be centered in the Luminor and the Mare Nostrum, of which single existed the planes of a prototype made in 1943.

For reasons I suppose that functional, it is decided to reduce the historical size of 47mm to 44mm present of the Luminor and for it the historical box does not adapt (the one that today we denominated 1950) if not that designs a new one completely that is the one that today we denominated Luminor. This fact is of great importance, because it clarifies that the only present boxes that share the design with that they took place in the military stage, are the Radiomir and the 1950.
It is not inferior absolutely the Luminor designed at this time, is more, have nowadays acquired an enormous value in auctions because they are "the historical" considered ones of the civil market.

1993 the Panerai clocks are sent to the market.

The presentation takes place on board of the Luigi Durand of the Penne, ship pertaining to Italian Navy. This fact is highly significant, because to commercialize in the civil market the Panerai clocks, the mark has had to previously ask for the permission corresponding to Italian Navy, since these clocks were classified like military secret.
Upon presentment it attends Prince Amadeo I gave Savoia, that shines for the event the Radiomir pertaining to its father who showed the position of Admiral of Navy.

The units and models that take place in year 1993 are the following ones:

- 889 Luminor with the code 5218-201/A + 10 prototypes of the same one
- 990 Mare Nostrum with the code 5218-301/A + 10 prototypes
- 90 Luminor Navy 5218-202/A + 10 prototypes




As Panerai does not have commercial network, the clocks single are sold in their own jewelry store, L'Orologeria Swizzera, existing from the previous years to World War II, dates in which Panerai was of first and more important Italian distributors of marks like Rolex and Patek Philippe.

1994 Sigue the same policy of manufacture and distribution but Panerai adds two new references to its very small catalogue:

- 200 Marine Luminor of reference 5218-203/A
- 50 Luminor Navy, assumes that with the same reference.


During this year, actor Sylvester Stallone was in Italy rolling the Daylight film and tells to the legend (that the reality is not due to move away to much of), that was surprised and atraido, when observing a showcase in which were strangers and atypical clocks of the stranger mark Panerai.
The empathy was so, that the actor ordered (and paid) for if same and for a reduced circle of friends (the majority actors) two series special of clocks slightly different from which Panerai commercializes, of which it does not know the code and the number:

- x Luminor Submersible (that does not have anything to do with the present one), which uses for the Daylight film. This same clock used Arnold Schwarzenegger in its Eraser film, which indicates that this actor belonged to the mentioned circle intimo of friendships of Stallone.
- x Luminor with white dial, detail that since then will characterize to the denominated clocks Daylight.
- 2 special versions of the Mare Nostrum.

This accidental attraction of Stallone towards Panerai, was decisive for the future from the mark, since of power to be single Vista in Florence in L'Orologeria Swizzera and perhaps in some other jewelry store of Italy, it happened to carry out several films of great popularity and to shine in the wrists of some of most famous Hollywoodienses actors.
In fact, it was the best action of marketing than a gurú of the subject could have created, but in addition it took place of totally accidental and gratuitous form. This factor also is important and distinguishing of Panerai, since unlike other marks that contract personalities to promote their clocks, Panerai was whereupon some personalities nonsingle took their clocks if not that in addition paid them religiously.
This fact differential, stays scrupulously nowadays and in my opinion, he is one of the factors key of the credibility of the mark.

1996 four series of clocks very limited take place, all of them with the Slytech denomination (that comes from Sly, nickname with which it is known Stallone). In all of them the company/signature of the actor in the later cover is burdened. These series are:

- 95 Luminor Submersible Slytech with reference 5218-205/A + 12 prototypes
- 105 Luminor Daylight Slytech with reference 5218-207/A
- 50 Mare Nostrum Slytech with reference 5218-302
- 50 Mare Nostrum Slytech of reference 5218-304, that difference of the previous one by the absence of taxed stadia scale in the bevel.





For these productions of Slytech, they are used and they modified for it, diverse clocks of the series sent in 1993. Consequently, the real production of the mentioned series of 1993 is as it follows:

- the 889 units of the Luminor 5218-201/A, are in 677 units
- the 990 uniddaes of the Mare Nostrum 5218-301/A, are in 890 units

During year 1996, also other two series are planned, that soon are far from the projected thing as far as production:

- 150 Luminor of reference 5218-209. In the single reality they are gotten to produce 12 units
- 350 Marine Luminor of reference 5218-210. 2 units take place solely

Also they begin to project in these dates the series of year 1997, that never are gotten to produce due to the imminent agreement with Cartier - Vendôme. These series had to be:

- Luminor Submersible of reference 5128-206/A. Model based on the 5218-209 but improved by diverse own patents, the most significant revolving bevel system.
- Luminor Black Seal Slytech with the reference 5218-218, model based on 5218-210.

In this year, Panerai looks for without capital result or financing to create its own international distribution, which it lacks and it prevents him that the Panerai clocks are commercialized beyond the Italian market. The search, so and as we have indicated is unfruitful, but in addition a peculiar fact takes place.
The President of one of the most important Swiss watchmaking companies, is interested enormously in the mark. The negotiations begin and it is even gotten to sign a pre-contract, but the pressures of their own directors who describe the Panerai clocks as "hardly saleable", cause that finally this agreement is not carried out.
I suppose that later, with the passage of time and before the clarividencia of such predictions, it would roll more than a head.

Later, the Vendôme group enters scene (Richemont at the present time), with Cartier at the top. It is not sure if formally the acquisition of the watchmaking division of Panerai is made with the name of Cartier or Vendôme, but accionariales formalities aside, the question is that it reaches an agreement and the acquisition is made.

1997 Cartier-Vendôme, acquires the totality of the watchmaking division of Panerai, patents and designs including.

The Panerai company, through the society with denomination Panerai Sistemi S.p.A. continuous the activity of design and manufacture of instruments of military use.
Later, this company will be acquired by Calzoni, but this subject already moves away of ours that is the Panerai clocks.

This way, we arrived at 1997, year in which the present stage begins and that we denominated "Vendôme-Richemont stage"


Active Member
Good, albeit hard, read. The translation leaves a little to be desired :D

Thanks for the good info!!


Respected Member
Wow.... That is good information..... Now I want a Sly Tech....... :D

Higgy 8)


I'm Pretty Popular
thanks for the info


CJ: great info. Somethinmg worth 'pinning' perhaps?

I have saved this myself - always a good sign :!: :D

--- BBB


Chinese Shrimp Rider
Staff member
[smilie=blob1.gif] Very Nice!

edit: Roeod4 already said nice so I'll say Good or Cool, or Coolgoodnice!


Active Member
You did fine Cucumber :)

Don`t mind about he translation Cucumber, it is very good information...



Banned member, the goat does not approve
Thanks again, this is great stuff and I was not aware that Cartier was the parent company of Panerai, thought it was simply Verdome.


Getting To Know The Place

Very much appreciated.