PAM441 VSF v2
rcom440 Respected Member 10/11/12 5,841 3,624 113 USA 6/4/20 #3 I think they released a new batch of this Pam.
M mskwatch I'm Pretty Popular 12/3/15 2,291 415 83 EU 7/4/20 #4 so basically like the 438 tutto nero but without the bracelet?
mrsullivan Pink Replicaddict Staff member Moderator Sales Certified 18/8/19 8,952 18,737 113 EU 10/4/20 #5 And the movement is not full black. Envoyé de mon ELE-L29 en utilisant Tapatalk
KOT1917 Respected Member Section Moderator 26/7/19 3,395 5,533 113 Russian federation 10/4/20 #6 Didn't VSF release it before? Is it just a new batch without any changes?