Finally I can log back onto RWI again. Kept getting unable to connect messages on and off for the past few days.
Anyway, I need a source for Panerai small seconds hands (6497 @ 9 type) with longer tubes, as I've found that I have a few extra thick dials, and/or a couple movements with too short posts.
I'm looking for one silver, two white and one black one, all with the longer tubes. I'm not sure if any dealer carries these (JacksonTse's are the shorter ones), and don't have the capability to do the hypodermic needle mod. Do if you know of a dealer, or have some extra ones you want to sell ....
Anyway, I need a source for Panerai small seconds hands (6497 @ 9 type) with longer tubes, as I've found that I have a few extra thick dials, and/or a couple movements with too short posts.
I'm looking for one silver, two white and one black one, all with the longer tubes. I'm not sure if any dealer carries these (JacksonTse's are the shorter ones), and don't have the capability to do the hypodermic needle mod. Do if you know of a dealer, or have some extra ones you want to sell ....