I bought a PAM090 from Reg a few weeks ago and have started wearing it this week since getting back off holiday. I've noticed that it's losing time despite a full wind to get the power reserve up to the 40 mark. I set the time against my PO (which keeps time beautifully) on Monday evening around 9.30 and by the next morning the PAM was still running but was around 10 minutes slow.
Does this sound like something that can be cured by adjusting the timing or a could it signal a more serious issue? If it is a timing issue, can anyone help me with some tips as to how to adjust it please? I've found various threads on here but I can't find one that relates the movement in my Pam.
Does this sound like something that can be cured by adjusting the timing or a could it signal a more serious issue? If it is a timing issue, can anyone help me with some tips as to how to adjust it please? I've found various threads on here but I can't find one that relates the movement in my Pam.