There are two generations of new type bracelets and then there are two O series PAM312. The one that came on the old 7750 based 312L/328L and the one that came with the ZFac 312O/328O series (I am not aware of a KW PAM328O, although they did release a PAM312O version). I have tried using the new type bracelet from the old 7750 based 328 on the KW PAM 312 and it won't fit. It has something to do with the differences in the case thickness (the new ones being a bit thicker due to the addition of decorative plates). Then we have the ZFac PAM 312 O-series and the KW PAM 312 O-series. Although they should be the same dimensions as they are both using similar movements, I am not sure if the one made for the ZFac PAM 328 would fit on the KW PAM 312.
Original New type bracelet = A7750 PAM312L - Go
Original New type bracelet = ZFac PAM312O - No Go (basing on case thickness)
Original New type bracelet = KW PAM312O - No Go
New type bracelet from ZFac = Zfac PAM312O - Go
New type bracelet from ZFac = Zfac PAM312O - Unsure
I hope that's clear. :lol: