I have noticed crowns on 372 p3000 clone and 417 I recently bought are missing sealing gaskets.
What type of gaskets are these, a flat piece or o-ring type ?
O-ring type could probably be sourced easier than a flat one, but it looks like it should be a flat one with opening in the center for stem. Can anyone confirm this please ??
I am sure my noob v4 I no longer own had the gasket in the crown, but I don't remember what type. These two new acquired pieces are missing it.
*(I know the pin is out too much on picture below, I punched it flat and applied loctite 425)
What type of gaskets are these, a flat piece or o-ring type ?
O-ring type could probably be sourced easier than a flat one, but it looks like it should be a flat one with opening in the center for stem. Can anyone confirm this please ??
I am sure my noob v4 I no longer own had the gasket in the crown, but I don't remember what type. These two new acquired pieces are missing it.
*(I know the pin is out too much on picture below, I punched it flat and applied loctite 425)