just received a pam 183G frm a great friend.. full disclosure, he noted a couple of probs with e watch&said if I cld get them all fixed, we'll discuss a deal.. &i really really love e damn watch!!
probs noted were:-
1) missing a lug screw.
2) lug lengths r inaccurate.
3) stem is faulty.
basically, for 1&2, I've decided to order a set of lugs, screws&connectors frm panatime, they're accurate right!? but for prob 3, I'm a lil stuck..
so here's my question, can I just swap out a stem.? or do I have to change e whole crown&stem fixture.? either way, where can I source a stem alone or a accurate 183 crown&stem.?
e prob with e crown&stem is when winding or setting e time, it has to be tlited at an angle b4 e gears move, smth like tt..
probs noted were:-
1) missing a lug screw.
2) lug lengths r inaccurate.
3) stem is faulty.
basically, for 1&2, I've decided to order a set of lugs, screws&connectors frm panatime, they're accurate right!? but for prob 3, I'm a lil stuck..
so here's my question, can I just swap out a stem.? or do I have to change e whole crown&stem fixture.? either way, where can I source a stem alone or a accurate 183 crown&stem.?
e prob with e crown&stem is when winding or setting e time, it has to be tlited at an angle b4 e gears move, smth like tt..