Looking good! Congrats on the new watch.
Just awaiting an asso strap to come in. I don't like the stock leather is came with.
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I was thinking down the road of buying a custom from combat-straps. Like this.There are tons of really nice straps on m2m that are miles better than most rep straps and are also about the same price. You might want to look there for something pretty for your new toy!
I was thinking down the road of buying a custom from combat-straps. Like this.
Runs about $200 w/ shipping.
This is the one I bought on eBay for $65 .
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Combat straps have some really nice ones! Don't forget there are quite a few strap makers on this forum that can make you some nice straps for probably a lot cheaper.
Excellent choice. My v3 says hello! I've still got mine on the stock strap, which I find really good compared to all other rep straps I've ever had
My PR is about 50 hours with a full wind