I've had several replicas and three real Rolexes in my life, but I have never spent this much on a replica before so I thought about it for quite a while. I was deadlocked between the Panda and a Meteorite dial Daytona with a black bezel and 904 ss case. The Panda ended up being the simpler purchase so I went with it.
I contacted Liana and left my deposit today. The process was relatively smooth. She promised a 48 HR QC and 12-16 days shipping and said she would get on it ASAP. I had to pay by Friends Family and was not too excited about that, but I have only heard good things so I went that route. Yes, I read the warning lol.
That is all for now. I'll follow up as the process unfolds as I think these kind of posts are helpful in build even more trust with our group's Trusted Dealers if they are handled well.
I contacted Liana and left my deposit today. The process was relatively smooth. She promised a 48 HR QC and 12-16 days shipping and said she would get on it ASAP. I had to pay by Friends Family and was not too excited about that, but I have only heard good things so I went that route. Yes, I read the warning lol.
That is all for now. I'll follow up as the process unfolds as I think these kind of posts are helpful in build even more trust with our group's Trusted Dealers if they are handled well.