Unfortunately, my package never arrived. Upon inquiry at Chazingtime, they asked the shipping agent where my package was. It turned out that it had been seized by customs. Meanwhile, a new item has been sent, which has also been on hold for some time. I'm afraid I'm going to be unlucky again. Have you noticed that customs is seizing more and more items?
For some reason there seems to be raised customs activity... CN-Fedex parcels are being put onto higher scrutiny, especially with destination Netherlands and Belgium. I have also read one recent report of a DE-DHL (triangle route) parcel being seized with destination Netherlands.
If your watch was seized in China, you're fine.
If it was seized in Europe, it is likely that you will receive a lovely letter from the local government (or third party bureau) attempting to get you to acknowledge making the purchase, supplying proof of purchase and origin "website" etc.
For Belgium, if you receive a letter from FOD, your address will/may very well be blacklisted for 3 years. This means that any parcel originating from outside the EU will be flagged automatically (as it has your address on it) and inspected. I can't speak about other countries.
So if that were the case, a reship to the same address will likely not yield positive results.