All the TDs can get you any watch produced by any of the factories. Search the forum for information on which factory is able to make the best moonwatch replicas, then message to arrange it via whatsapp.
The only way to get a 1:1 watch thats as good as the gen is to buy the gen, IMO. You'll get a good watch from a good factory that with care will last a long time. I've never had a speedy rep but I've read that no movement currently can get the dial spacing right which is something that puts me off ordering on. Other than that you'll get a good mechanical watch that should last a long time if you keep it well.
Hont, just so you know, is a busy guy. He is not going to be as responsive as some of the other TDs you will see on here. I've just today received my first watch from Hont, took a few weeks from start to finish, and I'm more than happy - as are many others. Happy hunting!