I would go against the torrent here and say it is replica. Good one and much better than what you get from TDs for sixty bucks or so, but not a real mccoy. I am comparing with my gen asso, and while this does look similar but not identical. difference stitch quality and color, different leather grain, fatter PAM print on the markings on the underside. what is even more concerning, is that I remember reading, but honestly dont remember which rep forum, that same seller is also selling high end reps of IWC straps and there have been several cases where members went to verify and were told by ADs or boutiques that theirs were reps, and went back and got their money back from the seller. If you want a real asso, just get one from an AD or boutique, about same price and guaranteed to be authentic. I would not buy from this guy as he is already known to sell rep goods and his style of selling and disclaimers make it even more suspicious.