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Noob gets his first smp, but with a problem


Looking Around
Hey Yall, I have been reading this forum for a few weeks now doing research on my first rep. I always knew it had to be the omega SMP (swiss eta), and i finally decided on one of the trusted dealers here. So I got the watch today and I love it. It has the 3 hour mark wich i was hoping it would. However, I noticed that the second hand was not moving. I unscrewed the crown, set the date and time and then tried to push it back in to wind. This took a few tries to get it because I could not get it to the right position to wind. I finally did and must have wound it for about 3 or 4 min straight. But still no movement. I contatcted the dealer and he instructed me to shake it vigirously and then it should be fine. I did this and the second hand started to move. I was so happy. 45 seconds later it froze again. :cry: I repeated the proces several times with similar otcome. The hand will move anywehre between 5 seconds and 1 mintue and then it freezes. I shake the hell out of it, it moves a little more and it stops again. Any suggestions. I sent the dealer another email but he has not responded to my newest finding.

Thank you all for your help in advance and I commend you for this great community that I am quickly becoming a addict of.


Yes... keep shaking it...

Once you know the shaking isn't working - get the sledgehammer out.

Hell - take it into an AD and see if they can fix it. Tell them you got it from a very sincere Chinese man.


Horology Curious
Is the second hand getting stuck on the minute hand? Sounds like a bent hand...


Active Member
thatsexystud said:
Yes... keep shaking it...

Once you know the shaking isn't working - get the sledgehammer out.

Hell - take it into an AD and see if they can fix it. Tell them you got it from a very sincere Chinese man.

LOL, one noob bein hard on another... rough man... :?

For real though.. just put it on and walk around with it for an hour or so, not even worrying about the time. THEN take it off and see if it freezes after a few seconds. Don't just shake and then give up...


Looking Around
Emmzy: Its supposed to be a swiss eta 2824. I was a bit suspicious so I asked Andrew about it and he said that it is swiss eta.

he46570: No I don't think its the problem. When you mentioned it, I did take a better look and it didn't seem to be the case.

kinneyrhs: I tried doing that. I actually walked around outside for about 2 hours today with it on, being very careful not to put a single scratch on it so not to interfere with a return. Still no luck.

Thank you for you advice. I truly do appreciate it. I communicated with Andrew and he has been great so far. He told me to return it and that they would repair it for me. Has anyone had to do this with Adnrew? Any ideas about how long it may take



Renowned Member
I have seen some movements come in with the rotor screwed in to tight especialy the 2836 but I do not know about the 2824. All you have to do to try is take off the back and gently losen the screw in the center of the rotor and then just snug it up.


Renowned Member
ok.. it happend to me before too.. after u shaked it and start moving ,,,, right away go start wind it like 20-30 turn.. and see what happen... try it and let me know..

As far with andrew.. he is a great guy to deal with ... to bad there is problem but he will fix it..



Renowned Member
shake it close to your ear and listen for a whhhhiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrr

does it have a glass back?

can you see the hammer move?

unscrew the crown, and wind it forty times or so.


Looking Around
darksideuse, you may be on to something, but unfortunately I don't have any experience working on watches and I'm kind of afraid of trying to. I don't even know how to dissasemble it without scratching the hell out of it.

Dan, for a few minutes, I thought you may have made my day. I did exactly as you said and it worked for a full 2 minutes :eek: I went to put it on my wrist and it froze again. :( What a roller coaster of emotions.


Looking Around
Thank you all so much for all your input and advice. I have to say goodnight, its 12:30 here and its been a very long day for me and the watch thing to top it off. I will try any other suggestions tommorow morning, that you guys may leave. If not, its off to the repairman half way across the globe for my smp.


Renowned Member
Jumbo09 said:
darksideuse, you may be on to something, but unfortunately I don't have any experience working on watches and I'm kind of afraid of trying to. I don't even know how to dissasemble it without scratching the hell out of it.

Dan, for a few minutes, I thought you may have made my day. I did exactly as you said and it worked for a full 2 minutes :eek: I went to put it on my wrist and it froze again. :( What a roller coaster of emotions.

Almost huh.. :) Sorry to hear still failed.
i know how you feel exactly.. having bad luck with watch.. all my reps has been going back and forth (6 of them) only 1 that is arrive in good condition and has no problem what so ever.
anyway... do you know anyone in your area who can fix a rep. If It is a gen swiss eta so it should be fixable, I am in LA area and know some one who can work on rep instead of shipping it to andrew taking risk again and waiting. Ask him if he is willing to split the cost. Vaccum and Rbj69 (Joe) works on ETA ( I think) or you can PM them and they are very very nice people who can help you trouble shooting the problems. I agree with rotor to tight... :)
Just a suggestion... and if you dont mind sending it back to Andrew and waiting for the repair or ask him to replace it. He is very good guy ( i have problem with pam253 and he send me a replacement even without waiting for the broken/wrong watch to arrive to his place.



Renowned Member
pete2528ca said:
to thatsexystud...

that comment was not so sexy.

take er easy man

That angry stud...is just that...he is a Noob..who hasn't even bought a rep...and jumped in on the Cartel flame war.... I think he's just angry.......about what, I don't know.......but still.....angry none the less.