You got it from a TD ?
Do you have a taobao link or something like that so I can show my TD ?
Yes, thank you very much !
Any chance to get me one of these Blancpain boxes ? I can not speak or read Chinese but I want one of these so bad)
thx for an answer - pm welcomed
i'm sorry my english so bad
Can only be used transtate google
this is use transtate google link
this link Can you understand???
thank you for the link!
it seems to be pretty complicated to create an account and order the box and ship it to EU....if any fellow here orders one, take two because I'll buy one off you for sure ;o) just let me know
From which TD did you get your FIFTY FATHOMS?
From which TD did you get your FIFTY FATHOMS?
Thx.Is this websie safe ?
Thx.Is this websie safe ?
Member here since 2013 ...
You know we have a TD list where you can safely buy that exact same fifty fathom right ?
Any chance to get me one of these Blancpain boxes ? I can not speak or read Chinese but I want one of these so bad)