reeally? calm down a bit and quit the "this piece of shit" take on things.
what you have there is a great rep! all the bits n pieces are very accurate and can become an excellent replica. the parts alone exceed in value what these things cost, you can still get it right.
-you were unlucky to get a watch with some fingerprint in it. it happens.
you state that Angus should have read your email more carefully because you said you were very anal about this and that. - well let me tell you, the reality, this replica collectores world sometimes leaves us with something less than perfect. I guess the reason we initially find this place is that something else is less than perfect to begin with; that be your thoughts on spending money on high dollar mark watches, or something else causing you not to hit the ATM and head for the nearest Authorized dealer.
so as you have been chewing the dissappointment of finally recieving your first replica watch in an imperfect condition, you might as well listen a little to us lot, who have tried all this several times. (it doesn't hit as hard if you know what to expect
no matter who you are and how many posts about reps you have written and read, you will still occationally be the guy who gets an imoerfect rep. -why?-because it doesn't happen on purpose, that's why. I'm gonna take the liberty to guess here; Angus might not have actually gone out back and picked up your watch, let alone put it in a box and walked down to the post office. Quite possibly this happened as mistakes happen in any business in europe or USA or anywhre else, you have some people working with you or for you. comunication mostly works, but sometimes , well you know.
do yourself the favor of trying to understand how this is just what happens sometimes.
no need to imply that flaws were hidden, or that you were fooled in any other way on purpose, cause honestly, it's just not worth the trouble for the dealers to have bad publicity.
secondly: welcome to the forum
third: if you want to sell a watch here, you have to read the RWI sales rules :