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(Newbie) SM GMT Blk/Wht: Thickness really vary w/ 21J & ETA?


Horology Curious
Hi all,

I'm shopping/learning about Seamaster GMT Blk/Wht (bezel) rep, and I've noticed that if the thickness is mentioned in the ad, that the 21J models list it at 14-15mm, and the Swiss ETA list it at 11-12mm.

I'm guessing that this may be a scenario where the cases with the ETA movement are sourced from one supplier, and the cases with the 21J are from another one - but I'm curious if any of you had noticed this?

One ad I saw on Amazon listed the gen version as 11.5mm thickness - that sound right?

Note: I found this site when I searched and found the infamous By-Tor review of a rep supplied by WBK (aka Wacko). That review is a few years old now, and I have done searching here for any updates on the subject. (Much of the info is from '06 and '07.)

Another question:
In the By-Tor review he noted that the GMT hand could be controlled (as we know the model has 21J movement) - but I've found that none of the 21J reps advertised indicate that, they either don't mention it, or the field is left blank. I'm interested in hearing from those who have a 21J version (or know of the behavior) - and the source/seller if they think that's relative.


PS: I am a newbie, I have made an attempt to search and read - if I've missed something then I'm all ears... pass on any search (keyword) tips that I would find usefull here and on the web.


Horology Curious
Did find old posts on 21J and GMT control...

Combing through the old posts I did find a few that indicated that the 21J (at least the one from "Wacko") did allow control of the GMT hand.

(Like many sites, the search engine here appears to have a 4 character minimum, so searching for "GMT" doesn't return anything - so digging up info on the GMT seems to mean more combing than searching, so hang in there with me, I'm trying to do my own research as well.)
