A fellow Irishman, welcome aboard Sir
Puretime is a TD yes, one of 24 to choose from.
Choosing a TD is an important step, one I would recommend giving some careful consideration.
Whoever you choose, once you use the email/website details from their forum page (& nowhere else), you're off to a good start.
Process is relatively simple
Pick the watch/watches
Pick the factory/version
Pick the TD
Check availability, price, shipping cost, approx timelines (noting regional lockdown at present)
Send the money
Receive QC (approve if ok)
Get tracking number & wait.
This timeline could be weeks or months depending on the popularity/scarcity of the model you choose, so bear in mind that patience is key in this hobby.
Alternatively there is the M2M area & you may get lucky with EU sellers.
I've noticed lately that any nonEU parcels (even a strap in an envelope from the US) has been hit with VAT/fees, so bear in mind seller location if/when purchasing.
If that small fee is not an issue, always Sead/Supermirrors, who is a TD & sometimes has EU(Italy) stock, but has a UK stockist.
Take your time, enjoy exploring the forum & any questions, feel free to ask publicly, or drop me a PM if you'd prefer.