I had wondered what the big draw was when it comes to Pams ever since I found RWI. I never really found them to be all that appealing to my personal tastes. Plus, they are a HUGE watch for my puny wrists. But I still kept my eye on them and did my research here and there as their allure slowly crept up on me. So when one of the TD's had a "crazy" sale of one of the models, and a Noob Factory model rep at that, I made the jump. I know this is not one of the more accurate reps given that the movement is not rep'd properly for the model and it's open back case. But it's still an inexpensive way to test out the Pam bug. I like it!
TD review can be found HERE.
Got a new Toshi Strap for the Pam a few days ago.
TD review can be found HERE.
Got a new Toshi Strap for the Pam a few days ago.