I need to get this thread out because I have to ask for your advice. I ordered my Tudor 58 replica from puretime at the end of December. A few days later I received the photos of the quality check. The watch arrived 20 days later. Unfortunately, puretime did not notice during the quality check that the clasp is defect and can only be opened with tools. I was immediately offered a replacement clasp by email without hesitation. I should pay the shipping costs or place another order. And so I ordered another product: a dial.
For the time being, I write an email every 14 days to find out the status of the delivery and am always put off again. In the meantime, the dial has arrived at puretime. As for the replacement, puretime itself does not seem to be able to deliver.
In the meantime, I've been waiting for a complete watch for 4 months, and despite all the calm, I'm getting impatient. Have you had similar experiences? Can you help me in any way?