...also known as "hybrid", "Chiss" or "Swasian" with specific base plate design used on older ETA mov'ts. Notice the single screw attached pallet ?! Tons of stuff has been written about this mov't (it all started some year or so ago by Ziggy on RWG) although the E-series version with "ERAIPANERAIPAN" decorated bridges. This is the same mov't, just wit H-series CDG bridges and sligthly different reg needle.
This mov't also comes with dial release screws on the side of the base plate, rather than in between the bridges on the underside.
The base plate is also correctly engraved in "old" ETA style, with additional numbers and lettering to the standard ETA logo, that initially confused many of us.
It's a good mov't though, but deffo not Swiss ETA per se.