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Marvelous 42mm PO QC pics, my first rep, help out guys! :]


Known Member
As promised in my other thread. (A big, BIG thanks to all that responded in it)

let me know guys! I'm too excited to make any judgement here!


I'm Pretty Popular
Looks fine to me!....Just had a quick look but can't see any out of the ordinary issues with it!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Looks perfect, Magic. Glad to see you went with MR like I recommended, he's one of the nicest, most helpful guys around. You are in as good a hands as could be.

Ask him if he can do a pressure test to make sure its waterproof. As far as worrying about the buckle, don't. Just check to make sure things are ok when you get it before you strap it on.

Relax, sit back.. and impatiently await your watch! :)

Edit: +/- 8sec wouldn't be something I would refuse a watch over. Could probably adjust that with the fine adjustment screw. I wouldn't be expecting COSC parameters. Did you go with clone ETA or swiss ETA?


I'm Pretty Popular
I haven't dealt with MR before myself but many here have so I hope they will pipe in. Does he actually offer water resistance before shipping? I've never seen any dealer ever show details of or proof of water resistance in the QC process. Some say they provide WR but tbh I would get it checked myself on arrival to be sure....and for piece of mind if you want to use in the water! This isn't Omega we are dealing with! We can never be sure with any dealer how 'good' the WR is! Only way to know for sure on that is to get it done yourself!

On the +8sec....nothing too out of the oridinary...expect reps to be -10 to +15 secs per day even eta reps...only cosc certified stuff is better regulated....and you won't get that with any dealer. If it is too much ask him for an other, I'm sure he won't mind.

Edit: :) just seeing your post now P4GTR :)


Known Member
Looks perfect, Magic. Glad to see you went with MR like I recommended, he's one of the nicest, most helpful guys around. You are in as good a hands as could be.

Ask him if he can do a pressure test to make sure its waterproof. As far as worrying about the buckle, don't. Just check to make sure things are ok when you get it before you strap it on.

Relax, sit back.. and impatiently await your watch! :)

Edit: +/- 8sec wouldn't be something I would refuse a watch over. Could probably adjust that with the fine adjustment screw. I wouldn't be expecting COSC parameters. Did you go with clone ETA or swiss ETA?

Hmm well if it's not waterproof it would ruin the watch by testing it correct?

I got the clone ETA movement, was that a bad decision to go with? If it is I can still tell him to get me swiss ETA and just pay him the extra amount. But apparently the swiss ETAs are never swiss ETAs from what I've been reading on these forums.

The clones can be serviced just like the gen ETAs right?

I haven't dealt with MR before myself but many here have so I hope they will pipe in. Does he actually offer water resistance before shipping? I've never seen any dealer ever show details of or proof of water resistance in the QC process. Some say they provide WR but tbh I would get it checked myself on arrival to be sure....and for piece of mind if you want to use in the water! This isn't Omega we are dealing with! We can never be sure with any dealer how 'good' the WR is! Only way to know for sure on that is to get it done yourself!

On the +8sec....nothing too out of the oridinary...expect reps to be -10 to +15 secs per day even eta reps...only cosc certified stuff is better regulated....and you won't get that with any dealer. If it is too much ask him for an other, I'm sure he won't mind.

Edit: :) just seeing your post now P4GTR :)

Thanks for this! I'll tell him to test it but I just want the watch ASAP. I'm literally jittering here :D


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Hmm well if it's not waterproof it would ruin the watch by testing it correct?

I got the clone ETA movement, was that a bad decision to go with? If it is I can still tell him to get me swiss ETA and just pay him the extra amount. But apparently the swiss ETAs are never swiss ETAs from what I've been reading on these forums.

The clones can be serviced just like the gen ETAs right?

Thanks for this! I'll tell him to test it but I just want the watch ASAP. I'm literally jittering here :D

Not at all, waterproof test is just that, a test. If it fails, the watch is still unharmed. Just ask him to test it, your going to want it waterproof being that its a PO. It won't hold the process up.

Clone ETA was the way to go. Yes, it can be serviced like any ETA would be. I have the same watch as you, from MR, only with white numerals instead of orange.



To add, just a quick piece of advice. Never assume your crown and/or He valve are closed on any watch you are going to allow to get wet. Check them EVERY TIME before you get the watch wet. You never know, so make it a habit to check them consistently. Just thought it was better to say than not. :)


Known Member
Ok he said he'll have a smith test it tomorrow then ship it. This guy is really nice and provides fast responses.

Unfortunately that's one extra day I have to wait for the watch :\ lol

Edit: P4GTR that looks incredible! Did you use an SLR to take that pic?

Mr. Pap

Section Moderator
Section Moderator
MR rocks!!!You will get a very very nice watch!!!!


Banned member, the goat does not approve
Ok he said he'll have a smith test it tomorrow then ship it. This guy is really nice and provides fast responses.

Unfortunately that's one extra day I have to wait for the watch :\ lol

Edit: P4GTR that looks incredible! Did you use an SLR to take that pic?

MR is great, I was his 1st RWI customer! :biglaugh:

yes, took with Canon EOS Rebel. (thanks btw, it was just a quick picture, I was comparing the PO to my gen SMP)




Known Member
Great; now we're both pioneers because I'm his first customer from India :)

But major issue that I just noticed.

Lume markers at 9 and 12 are crooked. The one at 9 is very crooked. What do you guys think I should do?