I hope this is the right sub-forum to post this in.
just got a 44mm Marina Militare from jackson and love it.
the only problem is one of the lug screw bars' thread seems to have gotten stripped while changing straps.
its doin its purpose but not sitting flush.
where is a good, quick place to source these from?
i saw this on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-PCS-SCREW...201?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483f9c1621
would these work?
wasnt sure if the MM watches were the same spec as PAMs.
i love the look of this watch (PAM111 homage). just might have to start collecting PAM reps now.
thanks for your help!
I hope this is the right sub-forum to post this in.
just got a 44mm Marina Militare from jackson and love it.
the only problem is one of the lug screw bars' thread seems to have gotten stripped while changing straps.
its doin its purpose but not sitting flush.
where is a good, quick place to source these from?
i saw this on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-PCS-SCREW...201?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483f9c1621
would these work?
wasnt sure if the MM watches were the same spec as PAMs.
i love the look of this watch (PAM111 homage). just might have to start collecting PAM reps now.
thanks for your help!