Details: For Sale is a replica LV handbag purchased locally. A replica was just not what my SO wanted so I will have to sell this and save up for the genuine. Perfect Christmas gift for your significant other. Just bought this for $250. It is very well made, the stitching looks good and the colors are nice. I am not an LV expert but I don’t see any obvious flaws. Please review the pictures.
Price: 220 USD shipping included
Low ballers will be ignored
Payment: PayPal FF
Condition: New with plastics still on
Shipping: USPS priority included
Will ship internationally at your risk and you pay shipping cost
Location: Texas USA
Disclaimer: This is a replica, don’t expect perfection. The photos are a large part of the description. All sales are final. Once the item is shipped consider it yours, I will send tracking information. If you want signature confirmation you must notify me and pay extra, otherwise it will not be included with shipping. If you receive the bag and believe it was grossly misrepresented then please contact me and we may resolve the issue. Any questions please ask
Price: 220 USD shipping included
Low ballers will be ignored
Payment: PayPal FF
Condition: New with plastics still on
Shipping: USPS priority included
Will ship internationally at your risk and you pay shipping cost
Location: Texas USA

Disclaimer: This is a replica, don’t expect perfection. The photos are a large part of the description. All sales are final. Once the item is shipped consider it yours, I will send tracking information. If you want signature confirmation you must notify me and pay extra, otherwise it will not be included with shipping. If you receive the bag and believe it was grossly misrepresented then please contact me and we may resolve the issue. Any questions please ask