- About
Louis Vuitton Wild at Heart Neverfull with a pouch, dust bag only. Extremely hard to find pieces in gen as they sold so fast that most folks only got one if they pre-ordered. It's on point and is a fantastic rep.
Retail Link: https://stockx.com/louis-vuitton-neverfull-mm-wild-at-heart-black
- Location
- US
- Willing to Ship to?
- WW
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- PayPal, Venmo, Zelle
- Piece Origin?
- TD
- Why Are You Selling?
- Moving out bags for Fall
- Asking Price?
- $400
- Currency Accepted?
- Shipping Costs?
- Depends on location
- Are You Posting Handwritten Tags w/Forum ID and Today's Date?
- Yes
- Did You Read and Agree to RWI's Sales Rules?
- Yes
- Will You Post a Feedback In The Relevant Section of RWI?
- Yes
- Will you tell the buyer to not write about reps or watches in the PayPal comment field or in any other place associated with the payment option?
- Yes