- 22/5/12
- 428
- 12
- 18
- About
- Replica Bag LV
- Location
- UK
- Willing to Ship to?
- UK, EU
- High Value Above $750
- No
- Accepted Payment Methods?
- PPG, Bank Transfer
- Piece Origin?
- Turkey
- Why Are You Selling?
- No longer needed.
- Asking Price?
- 20
- Currency Accepted?
- Pounds
Hi All,
Selling a cheap LV replica bag which I bought for my kid whilst on Turkey last year as a play toy. She is bored of it now lol so selling.
Its a cheap replica, just for a bit of fun. Defintely nowhere high end as reflected in the price.
£4.65 posted 2nd class signed for in UK.
Can post in Europe but not taking responsibility if custom issues etc. I will do postage for £11 shipped in EU.
Selling a cheap LV replica bag which I bought for my kid whilst on Turkey last year as a play toy. She is bored of it now lol so selling.
Its a cheap replica, just for a bit of fun. Defintely nowhere high end as reflected in the price.
£4.65 posted 2nd class signed for in UK.
Can post in Europe but not taking responsibility if custom issues etc. I will do postage for £11 shipped in EU.