What is this all about ?
Louis Vuitton ladies Never full replica bag, new never used. Size Large.
Location : US
Will ship to : US
Accepted payment methods : Paypal
Piece origin : Finer labels (Ben)
What warranty will you provide ? : None
What kind of condition is this in ? : Brand new
Why are you selling ? : Ordered the large by mistake, wifey wanted the Small one
Asking price : 388
Currency : USD
High Value Sale : No
Shipping costs : 15 USD
Will you include handwritten tags with your forum ID and today's date ? Yes
Did you read and agreed to RWI's sales rules ? Yes
Will you post a feedback in the relevant section of RWI ? Yes
Will you tell the buyer to not write about reps or watches in the Paypal comment field or in any other place associated with the payment option ? Yes
Detailed description and photos :
I bought this bag for my wife, and paid over 450 with postage... I think this is really good value for what I advertised. It is very well crafted and detailed, made of the same canvas like the original LV bag ( or so Ben said). Only selling due to purchasing the wrong size; already ordered the smaller one.
Louis Vuitton ladies Never full replica bag, new never used. Size Large.
Location : US
Will ship to : US
Accepted payment methods : Paypal
Piece origin : Finer labels (Ben)
What warranty will you provide ? : None
What kind of condition is this in ? : Brand new
Why are you selling ? : Ordered the large by mistake, wifey wanted the Small one
Asking price : 388
Currency : USD
High Value Sale : No
Shipping costs : 15 USD
Will you include handwritten tags with your forum ID and today's date ? Yes
Did you read and agreed to RWI's sales rules ? Yes
Will you post a feedback in the relevant section of RWI ? Yes
Will you tell the buyer to not write about reps or watches in the Paypal comment field or in any other place associated with the payment option ? Yes
Detailed description and photos :
I bought this bag for my wife, and paid over 450 with postage... I think this is really good value for what I advertised. It is very well crafted and detailed, made of the same canvas like the original LV bag ( or so Ben said). Only selling due to purchasing the wrong size; already ordered the smaller one.