- 1/5/20
- 1,700
- 3,449
- 113
What is this all about ?
Louis Vuitton KEEPALL BANDOULIÈRE 45 Top Replica bag
Location : Australia
Will ship to : WW (Australia preffered)
Accepted payment methods : Paypal (f&f) Only - No notes
Piece origin : Gift Boutique - Yupoo - China
What warranty will you provide ? : None
What kind of condition is this in ? : Very Good Condition - Normal wear
Why are you selling ? : Bought Gen
Asking price : 275.00
Currency : USD
High Value Sale : No
Shipping costs : WW - 15USD - Aus Free
Will you include handwritten tags with your forum ID and today's date ? Yes
Did you read and agreed to RWI's sales rules ? Yes
Will you post a feedback in the relevant section of RWI ? Yes
Will you tell the buyer to not write about reps or watches in the Paypal comment field or in any other place associated with the payment option ? Yes
Detailed description and photos :
For sale is this beautiful LV Keepall bag. I bought a second-hand genuine that's looks almost identical. So no need for a rep.
Paid 345USD, and it was only used about a dozen times to the gym. Lots of compliments, as it is striking. And it's basically new to look at.
Very sturdy and durable.
Happy to answer any questions. Low ball offers will be ignored. I also won't provide place of origin, however, it is located on the image as proof of purchase.
They use DHGate as a payment portal. But was not purchased from a DHGate retailer, as it was off a Yupoo site.
Louis Vuitton KEEPALL BANDOULIÈRE 45 Top Replica bag
Location : Australia
Will ship to : WW (Australia preffered)
Accepted payment methods : Paypal (f&f) Only - No notes
Piece origin : Gift Boutique - Yupoo - China
What warranty will you provide ? : None
What kind of condition is this in ? : Very Good Condition - Normal wear
Why are you selling ? : Bought Gen
Asking price : 275.00
Currency : USD
High Value Sale : No
Shipping costs : WW - 15USD - Aus Free
Will you include handwritten tags with your forum ID and today's date ? Yes
Did you read and agreed to RWI's sales rules ? Yes
Will you post a feedback in the relevant section of RWI ? Yes
Will you tell the buyer to not write about reps or watches in the Paypal comment field or in any other place associated with the payment option ? Yes
Detailed description and photos :
For sale is this beautiful LV Keepall bag. I bought a second-hand genuine that's looks almost identical. So no need for a rep.
Paid 345USD, and it was only used about a dozen times to the gym. Lots of compliments, as it is striking. And it's basically new to look at.
Very sturdy and durable.
Happy to answer any questions. Low ball offers will be ignored. I also won't provide place of origin, however, it is located on the image as proof of purchase.
They use DHGate as a payment portal. But was not purchased from a DHGate retailer, as it was off a Yupoo site.