I am selling a Louis Vuitton Alma BB 1:1 replica bag bought from Darcy a month ago. The coulour is amarante.
Gen Link: http://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/products/alma-bb-monogram-vernis-000478#M91678
It was never worn outside, only opened to check it out.
Unfortunately my wife changed her mind and this needs to go. My loss is your gain.
I paid 270 USD for it and I will sell for 230 USD.
Comes with everything in pictures (Bag, Dust Bag, Owners manual, etc.)
Shipping to EU. Located in UK.
9.8 x 7.5 x 4.3 inches
(Length x Height x Width)
Thanks for looking!
Gen Link: http://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/products/alma-bb-monogram-vernis-000478#M91678
It was never worn outside, only opened to check it out.
Unfortunately my wife changed her mind and this needs to go. My loss is your gain.
I paid 270 USD for it and I will sell for 230 USD.
Comes with everything in pictures (Bag, Dust Bag, Owners manual, etc.)
Shipping to EU. Located in UK.
9.8 x 7.5 x 4.3 inches
(Length x Height x Width)
Thanks for looking!