New here. Umh. Where can I find these watches and how do I proceed on buying them? I've been trying to search for weeks now and came to this site through a reddit linktornado.
Calibre 5 - Blue face
Few concerns that come in my mind is that I would most preferably like to order and buy one within the EU, since replica items from outside EU has 99% chance of being seized by customs. Shipments made in EU has somewhat 1% chance of being seized. I could find couple of dealers from Asia but none of them were trustworthy enough for me to buy off from. Having a huge community like this would assure me of a promised quality and items I am buying.
Hook me up fellow reptimers!
New here. Umh. Where can I find these watches and how do I proceed on buying them? I've been trying to search for weeks now and came to this site through a reddit linktornado.
Calibre 5 - Blue face
Few concerns that come in my mind is that I would most preferably like to order and buy one within the EU, since replica items from outside EU has 99% chance of being seized by customs. Shipments made in EU has somewhat 1% chance of being seized. I could find couple of dealers from Asia but none of them were trustworthy enough for me to buy off from. Having a huge community like this would assure me of a promised quality and items I am buying.
Hook me up fellow reptimers!