Some times we give a newbie a hard time, for asking questions that this site is all about.
Yes, you can look at the extremely well done guide by ALE. Yes, you can look at the TD sites.
But there is a rub here. Many of the sites don't really tell you what you are looking at. They use different words on different sites to describe the same watch. Worse, they use the same words, to describe a different watch or manufacturer. And many times, the manufacturer is completely left out.
Contacting to find out exactly who made a particular watch, or if it is v3, v4, whatever, often times goes unanswered, or answered in a way that is more confusing than before the question was ask! It can take forever, and still not get a real answer. Forget that some dealers call v-3 a v-4. and so on. Grrrrrrr!!!
Add to this, there are companies listed by initials that I have NEVER seen listed on a TD site. Confusing to say the least.
I have been here for years. With a low post count. Why, because I keep my ears open, and mouth shut. It's a good way to learn things. I wear both Gen and rep Pams. Had gen's before this place existed. And I study them at length. And I still make a misstep from time to time.
Hence, people ask us. It can be a real mine field. so lets not be always so ready to be condescending. It really can be confusing. almost as if by design by our own TD's.