Thats really great thanks.
Are those bracelets the same as the Breitling ones.
From your comment GF make the best versions, are your other watches you mention form GF?
How do you order from AN factory? and i am imagine that is so the clasp has Breitling markings?
Thanks again
All my SOH's are GF except for the 46mm. They are from OMF because GF does not make a 46mm watch because it will not sell well to the Chinese market.
The Staib bracelets are as close to Gen as you can get without buying Gen. These are far better than the Rep bracelets from GF and OMF. The only downside is the Staib only comes in two sizes. 150mm and 170mm. You have to figure out which will fit. My wrist is 6.75" so with an adjustable deployant I can wear the 150mm.
The Deployant made by AN Factory is also referred to as "Gen". Your TD should know. Search on RWI for the SOH threads. You will find all the photos and info you could possibly need.
The AN factory deployant and the OMF version both have the Breitling logo. The ANF version is more accurate. The OMF version has large serif's on the word Breitling. Not as accurate as ANF's