There are a number of good threads here on RWI about the 124300/OP41, have a search around.
I purchased a sliver EWF OP41 as it looks more like gen than GMF (v1/2) which looks obviously off. The last thing I would be concerned about on a rep is the bracelet, they all suck compared to gen. That being said my EWF bracelet was loose and squeaky so I gave it a proper clean and lube and now it's fine (as far as reps go).
So, EWF looks the best by far, including the silver dial, but the movement is supposedly very average, some people say to avoid it for this reason. It's apparently not even particularly serviceable. Having used mine for 5+ months now I have to agree, it keeps good time but it's noisy and doesn't feel like it will last for a very long time (years, not decades). Nobody else will notice this but it concerns me every time I have to hand wind it.
Now, KING factory has recently emerged with a new OP41 and I'm keeping my eye on those, they seem to have both the aesthetic and movement 'mostly' correct, we need some real-world experiences to validate this.
Anyone familiar with KING factory ? Green looks off but might be the lighting.
EWF released the OP 124300 41MM. Interested to read what tells you guys notice. Link:
Anyone has any experience with the OP41 such as GSF, GMF etc? How's their build quality?
Good luck!